600,000 without power due to “bomb cyclone” in Northeast – Sun Coast is prepared to respond

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Northeast 'bomb cyclone'

HOUSTON, October 18, 2019 – Wind gusts reaching 100 mph were recorded in the northeast on Thursday, October 17th knocking down trees and utility lines leaving hundreds of thousands without power.

The occurrence has been dubbed a “bomb cyclone,” which occurs when the barometric pressure falls at least 24 millibars, or 0.71 inches, within 24 hours. Roughly 600,000 were left in the dark yesterday.

When power lines go down, generators become a necessity. Sun Coast is prepared and equipped to help ensure generators stay fueled until power is restored in impacted areas. Sun Coast’s Power Program is designed to keep your generators full and functional so your business operations continue to run smoothly, even when disaster strikes.

Allow Sun Coast to be your resource. Call us today for more information at (800) 677-FUEL (3835) ext. 567 or send an email to sales@nullsuncoastresources.com.